Major Site Update Archives - 2006

For the newest updates, please click here.


  • Medieval Wiki
    • Upgraded from version 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
    • Fixed a bug that prevented article additions and edits
    • Added additional redirects
  • Upgrades
    • Upgraded forum software from version 2.2.0 to 2.2.1
    • Upgraded gallery software from version 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
    • Upgraded blog software from version 1.3.0 to 1.3.1


  • Upgrades
    • Upgraded forum software from version 2.1.7 to 2.2.0
    • Upgraded gallery software from version 2.0.7 to 2.1.0
    • Upgraded blog software from version 1.2.4 to 1.3.0


  • Medieval Glossary
    • Added support for static term addresses (clean addresses)
    • Updated some text and fixed a bugged glossary term
  • Medieval Wiki
    • Fixed a bug with parantheses
    • Tweaked the clean addresses
  • Medieval Translations
    • Fixed a bug in which source information was inaccessible
  • Fixed a bug with the site's search templates
  • Updated the text in some areas of the site


  • Medieval Wiki
    • Updated wiki version from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0
    • Updated wiki navigation and some text
    • Added support for static article and category addresses within the wiki (clean addresses)
    • Upgraded TinyMCE editor from version 2.0.6 to 2.0.8


  • Medieval Translations
    • Published this new section of the site
    • Includes an original translation of the medieval ballad "Aucassin and Nicolette," as well as excerpts from a book of translations entitled Songs of Old France
  • Medieval Maps
    • Completely redesigned and rewritten
    • 62 new maps have been added, more than doubling the size of the collection
    • Two new categories were added: ecclesiastical and plans
  • Medieval Wiki
    • Completely redesigned and rewritten - Version 3.0.0
    • Added a new 'My Notepad' feature
    • New navigation system
    • New Rich Text Editor (RTE) that allows users to add images, create tables, insert hyperlinks, spell check their articles, and more. Although the old editor had some of these features, it was buggy and did not work very well.
    • Added a new full page preview display
    • Added a 'Cancel' option to adding and editing articles, as well as to editing the notepad.
  • Medieval Links
    • Completely redesigned and rewritten
    • The links section now includes a 5-star ratings feature for each link
  • Miscellaneous Updates and Changes
    • Security enhancements throughout the site
    • Code enhancements and rewrites in various parts of the site
    • Updated the front page
    • Removed the site map


  • Updates
    • Updated the site search scripts
    • Fixed potential problems with the medieval timeline code that could cause high stress on the server
    • Updated the Shadowed Realm Link Pack with new images


  • Site Logo Updates
    • Updated the site logo for both the main site and the forums
    • Implemented a script that checks to see whether it is day or night and then displays an appropriate day or night logo


  • Upgrades
    • Upgraded forum software from version 2.1.6 to 2.1.7
    • Upgraded blog software from version 1.2.3 to 1.2.4


  • Medieval Forums
    • Cleaned up some graphics
    • Removed the navigation bar to make navigation less confusing
  • Updated the affiliates page
  • Reorganized the site's images


  • Medieval Glossary
    • Finished a new admin panel for the glossary that will serve as a prototype for other content areas of the site
    • Upgraded the content database for the glossary


  • Search
    • Finished implementing a new search system
    • Removed old search
  • Medieval Glossary
    • Updated the content database and changed the scripting for the glossary so that addresses pointing to the glossary will no longer contain any words
    • Changed the items displayed on both the alphabetical and categorical listings pages
  • Medieval Wiki
    • Fixed an issue with the stats page
    • Fixed a broken hyperlink
  • Fixed a few broken hyperlinks
  • Updated the site map


  • Medieval Wiki Version 2.0
    • Replaced the Medieval History and Contemporary Categories with 22 new categories (some of which had previously been subcategories of the former)
    • Changed the names of all of the pages to articles
    • Redesigned the front page
      • Added a random article link
      • Added a new section that describes each of the new categories
      • Reorganized the page
    • Various other minor improvements
  • Medieval Glossary
    • Added a new random term link
    • Redesigned the alphabetical and categorical listings pages
    • Redesigned the term record page
  • Added a random event link to the medieval timeline
  • Fixed a problem with the search that was disrupted by the changes in the content database on 05.29.06
  • Reorganized the menu
  • Updated the site map
  • Fixed a problem with 404 errors not directing to the 404 error page


  • Miscellaneous updates
    • Fixed a problem with results pages throughout the site not displaying proper information
    • Added links to the menu of the site allowing visitors to go to a random glosssary term or timeline event
    • The content database was restructured as required for the next version of the medieval wiki
    • Content total displays were moved on the main page of each of the major sections of the site


  • Various Improvements
    • Created a new logo for the site
    • Designed a new menu for more visibility and to correct a minor glitch with the old menu
    • Removed the banner ad from the footer throughout the site and redesigned the footer
  • Redesigned the front page
    • Added new Discover, Interact, Create, and Contribute areas so that visitors will know some of the different features of the site


  • Medieval Timeline
    • Removed the Timeline Summary Box
    • Reorganized the information on the main page of the wiki
  • Medieval Wiki
    • Removed the Wiki Summary Box
    • Reorganized the information on the main page of the timeline
  • Search
    • Created new search options when searching via the Medieval Glossary, Timeline, or Wiki
  • Site Map
    • Performed a much-needed update


  • Upgrades
    • Upgraded forum software from version 2.1.5 to 2.1.6
    • Upgraded gallery software from version 2.0.6 to 2.0.7
    • Upgraded blog software from version 1.2.2 to 1.2.3
  • Medieval Glossary
    • Removed the Glossary Summary Box
    • Reorganized the information on the main page of the glossary


  • Upgraded Medieval Wiki to version 1.2
    • Reorganized the the 'All wiki updates' page
    • Each update on the 'All wiki updates' page now includes three different options: view update contents, view all updates to this page, and visit this page
    • The 'All wiki updates' page now displays the reason for each edit
    • The page histories have been reorganized


  • Template Changes
    • Changed the template of the main site to no longer use a fxied width (the layout will now fit to the size of the browser window)
    • Changed the appearance of headers on the main site
    • Increased the brightness of the background image of the menu on the main site
    • Changed the template of the forums to make it more similar to the new layout of the main site
    • Corrected font sizes found throughout the forums


  • Upgrade
    • Upgraded gallery software from version 2.0.5 to 2.0.6
  • Miscellaneous Updates
    • Fixed a bug in the wiki navigation code
    • Corrected incorrect font sizes


  • Upgrades
    • Upgraded forum software from version 2.1.4 to 2.1.5
    • Changed htaccess setting so that all pages will now parse with PHP version 5
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a bug that caused pages throughout the site to display improperly in Internet Explorer
    • Fixed a bug on the article pages that prevented the source information to improperly display
    • Updated the database containing much of the site's content


  • Upgrades
    • Upgraded forum software from version 2.1.3 to 2.1.4
    • Upgraded gallery software from version 2.0.4 to 2.0.5
    • Upgraded blog software from version 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
  • Bug Fix
    • Fixed a bug that caused the front page to display incorrectly on the Safari browser


  • Miscellaneous Updates
    • Removed holiday logo
    • Fixed font sizes throughout the site due to an issue with scalability
    • Various fixes for minor issues throughout the site