Author Biographies

On this page you will find the author biographies (organized alphabetically) that are currently available for the authors of Shadowed Realm's medieval articles.

Alan Chanter

Alan Chanter was born in London in 1947. Enlisting in the British Army in 1967, Alan saw service in Germany and Northern Ireland and visited Berlin and Cyprus. Rising to the rank of Staff Sergeant, he was twice introduced to members of the Royal Family and awarded both the General Service Medal with clasp for Northern Ireland and the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Retiring from the Army in 1989, Alan took employment in a factory manufacturing components for machine tools until his job became redundant in 2002.

Always interested in History (particularly that relating to the Military), in 2001 Alan began writing short items for a number of History-based Internet Newsgroups. Whilst unemployed this developed into some rather lengthier essays, some of which have kindly been accepted by Shadowed Realm.

Alan now resides in Lincoln (founded by the Romans) and is married with three adult children. With a somewhat unique sense of humour, Alan has submitted many messages to the Forum, Glossary, Timelines and Wiki sections of Shadowed Realm.

Articles: London Bridge; Schooling of the Prince; Wholly Disorder; A History of Wallachia; King Æthelwulf of England; King Alfred of England

Ross Jallo

Ross Jallo is currently a student at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. His major is (as of yet) undecided, though he is considering the subjects of history, languages, and music. When he isn't writing essays for medieval history forums, he enjoys reading, browsing the 'net, playing historically-based computer games, and performing on piano and cello. He currently lives near Davenport, Iowa, with his family and quite a few cats.

Articles: A Short History of Medieval Music

Natalie Kohout

Natalie Kohout is originally from southern California. For some strange reason she now lives in Michigan and she blames Star Wars Galaxies for that. She graduated in 2005 from the California State University of Fullerton with a Bachelor of Arts in history and a minor in anthropology. She soon plans on attending a school in Michigan for her masters. Medieval Europe is her chosen area of study with a special interest in lepers and their interaction with medieval society.

Articles: The Order of St. Lazarus in the Latin East

Rich Lawson

Rich Lawson graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in May 2003 with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, a second major in history, and a minor in English. In the subject of history, his major area of concentration was ancient-medieval Europe.

Articles: The Medieval Period: Some Important Points; Chivalry during the Reign of King Edward III; Beowulf: Recognizing the Past; Christianity in Beowulf; Changes in the Griselda Story: Chaucer's The Clerk's Tale; The Purpose of Chaucer's Retraction; Historical Sources and Shakespeare's Henry V; Richard and Saladin: Warriors of the Third Crusade

If you have submitted an article and would like an author bio to be included, or if you already have a bio included that you would like updated, please send it in.
